All City Style & Original Gee Appearing at ToyConUK, 9 April 2016 in London

We are very pleased to announce that All City Style will have a presence at ToyConUK 2016, thanks to the generosity of The Toy Chronicle crew! Representing All City Style will be one of the most talented and prolific All City Style artists, Gordon Smith aka Original Gee OTB.

ToyConUK is the UK's biggest and best designer/art/collectible toy event, taking place on 9 April at York Hall in London, England. You'll be able to find Gee and his gloriously grimy painted All City Style Trains at The Toy Chronicle booths #1-3. You might even catch him painting live!

Gee will have his trains for sale and will also be accepting new commission work. The Toy Chronicle will have a small quantity of the nearly-sold-out silver All City Style trains for sale, and make sure you stop by their booth and ask for one of the free All City Style wall graphics provided by our friends at Walls360.

For ToyConUK ticketing info, click here.

About Original Gee:

Original Gee OTB aka Gordon Smith has been bombing Kent since the 80s as a part of NRS (New Recks). By ’89 Gee had to give up bombing trains after being caught one too many times… it was bombing, or jail. In the 90s, Gee continued his graff work in black books, while DJing and settling down to have a family.

After 10 years of DJing, Gee was bored and needed a new hobby, so he picked up an airbrush and canvas. As social media became widespread, Gee started getting commission work for the first time. After donating a canvas to the 2011 Robbo fundraiser (which sold for £500 and attracted a lot of attention) Gee’s commission schedule get very busy.

Gee had seen the All City Style trains and eventually found a source for them, with his completed trains proving to be a popular request from his customers. Gee bought more and more, and started stockpiling ACS trains to supply his business. His focus when painting is the old-school, historically accurate trains, so he won’t paint anything on a train that came out after the 1990s.

“I like to keep them authentic- I think that’s what people like about the trains I do…I tone the style down to keep them real looking... so you could imagine that train running.” - Gee

These days, customers seeking the grimiest, most accurately painted All City Style trains can contact Gee through IG (@gee1302) or his Facebook page to request commissions. Customers can choose which color of train, how grimy, and what they’d like painted on it. Gee does not sell recreations of classic trains like DONDI, SEEN, etc, painting those only for his own collection.